power puffs!

These power puffs are so puff-tastic!  I highly recommend them.  I have never used millet before and I will certainly be using it more often.  It’s fluffy, light and has more protein than puffed rice.  These little power puffs are a perfect snack with a hot cuppa joe. You can easily cut this recipe in half if you aren’t trying to feed an army.

These are so good that my husband brought them to his Tai Chi class this morning and vanished with a request for more next week…I highly suggest you give these a whirl.

Makes 36-40 Power Puffs


4 cups puffed millet cereal
2/3 cup raisins
2/3 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup peanuts, chopped (or nut of choice)
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup peanut butter (or other nut butter)
1 cup brown rice syrup
1-2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
salt if desired

1. In a medium bowl, mix cereal, raisins, cranberries, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

2. In a small saucepan, combine peanut butter and brown rice syrup. Cook over low heat for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring occasionally until warm and bubbly. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Pour over cereal mixture and stir until thoroughly coated.

3. Wait until cooled slightly, the peanut butter mixture can get very hot, then mold into balls (the size of golf balls). Transfer mixture to a cookie sheet to continue cooling.

Tip – it helps to dampen hands, this mix can get very sticky.

Nutrition Facts for 36 Power Puffs: Calories: 112.8, Total Fat: 5.5 g, Total Carbs: 14.5 g, Protein: 2.8 g

mOMent: Do you believe in the soul? What is your soul yearning for today? Is it millet?

I’m entering this recipe here also:  http://www.dietdessertndogs.com/2011/07/21/wellness-weekend-july-21-25-2011/

valentine’s day!


1 C cooked oatmeal
1 T white chocolate peanut butter
dried cranberries – enough to make a heart, plus a little extra

Directions: Mix oatmeal and peanut butter well. Garnish with a heart full of cranberries!



mOMent: Love is perfect everlasting and unchanging yet it can change everything in us and around us if we are willing to let go of our definition of it. If we choose to define what love is then we are also defining what love is not. Thereby limiting not loves’ capacity, for it is infinite but that of our own to recieve it or recognize it. When we choose to embrace our true nature we open ourselves to the powerful reality that we are not only in love, love also is in us. More accurately we are love, all of us. The illusion that we are not love allows us to feel pain. Pain is just another way to remind us to drop the definition of (or the illusion of separation from) love. Open yourself to the possibility that you are more and there will be more possibilities open to you.
❤ Ruben McAllister

white chocolate peanut butter and maple caramel

Of course maple caramel and white chocolate peanut butter are like long lost cousins! Delicious!


1 C cooked oatmeal
1 T maple caramel
1 T white chocolate peanut butter

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!



mOMent: Shedding out of an old habit can be a very therapeutic process.  What could use a little shedding in your life?

white chocolate peanut butter and frozen coconut

I think one of my favorite combos is peanut butter and coconut, and what makes that better?  WHITE CHOCOLATE!


1 C cooked oatmeal
1-2 T white chocolate peanut butter
1/4 C frozen shredded coconut

Directions: Mix all together and enjoy…



mOMent: Sometimes all it takes to ‘take it to the next level’ is to just allow for it to happen…relax into it.


peanut butter muffins

Well, this was a pleasant surprise!  I have a new-found love for this recipe which happened by mistake.  I was scouring the internet looking for a recipe for peanut butter bread…there aren’t that many.  Don’t ask me why I was so fixated on finding a recipe for such a thing, I just get it in my head sometimes and I can’t let it go.  I found this recipe and decided to veganize it.  And then I realized that I had misplaced my bread pan… So it became a muffin recipe!

Makes 12-14 muffins


1 1/2 C all purpose flour
1 C oats
1 C sugar
1 T baking powder
1/2 t salt
3/4 C peanut butter
1 T ground flax (heaping) plus 3 T non-dairy milk (I used Rice Dream Horchata)
1 C non-dairy milk (I used Rice Dream Horchata)
1 t vanilla

1. Heat your oven to 350 degrees and line your muffin tins.
2. Mix flax and horchata in a small dish and let gel up.
3. Grind oats in a food processor (I used the Magic Bullet), or use quick cooking oats.
4. Combine flour, oats, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add peanut butter until crumbly.
5. Combine the flax mixture, horchata and vanilla in a separate bowl and then add to dry ingredients until just moistened.
6. Fill muffin tins 3/4 full and bake for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
7. Let cool for at least 5 minutes, if you can stand it.

Serve with fresh preserves and enjoy the PB&J muffin experience!


mOMent: Having an old standard in a new way can breathe life into it. What old favorite would you like to refresh and renew?

peanut butter chocolate pretzel

I made some chocolate covered pretzels the other day and they were a big hit! I just melted some chocolate, mixed in the pretzels and sprinkled with slivered almonds. Go for it! It can be fun to play in the kitchen without recipes…I dare you!


1 C cooked oatmeal
1/4 C chocolate covered pretzels, chopped
3 chocolate covered pretzels for garnish
1 T peanut butter

Directions: Mix chopped pretzels and peanut butter with oatmeal. Garnish with remaining pretzels, enjoy.



mOMent: I love cuddling next to a warm fire on a cold winter’s day, what do you love to do?


peanut butter coconut oatmeal cookies

So this recipe is slightly adapted from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar.  I added about 1 cup of coconut flakes instead of the peanuts and used Rice Dream Horchata for the milk.  They turned out Dy-No-Mite!

Oats and flour

Yummy sugary peanut buttery sweetness

I love my mixer

Add coconut flakes

Still hot from the oven

Ready to devour…



mOMent: …and sometimes, everything is perfect.

homemade peanut butter cups

These delectable little treats were created by my hubster and I one fun day in the kitchen. I don’t know the exact ingredients, but if you’d like to know how we created them just email me and I’ll let you know. They were so fantastic!



mOMent: Yummy things come in small cups…

peanut butter apple pear



1 C cooked oatmeal
1 T peanut butter
1-2 t agave
1/2 apple, chopped
1/2 pear, chopped

Directions: Heat peanut butter and agave in saucepan and add fruit. Add a little water if you need to thin it out a bit at first. Cook over low heat for a few moments until fruit softens.  Mix it in oatmeal and enjoy!



mOMent: What memories would you like to have in the future, of 2011? Imagine yourself in 2012…what are your favorite memories of 2011?



peanut butter pie

Yep, that is a delicious piece of peanut butter chocolate pie.  It was like a GIANT peanut butter cup!  I used this recipe.  It has tofu and peanut butter so it is packed full of protein and will definitely fill you up…



1 C cooked oatmeal
1 piece of peanut butter chocolate pie

Directions: Mix and mash all ingredients together and enjoy!



mOMent:  Have you ever seen a peanut bush?  What did you think of it?

peanut butter pumpkin

A little protein and a little pumpkin = a little perfect!


1 C cooked oatmeal
1 T pumpkin puree
1 T peanut butter

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!



mOMent: Who is your favorite celebrity? What do you like about this person, and what qualities do you share with him or her?

inside pb cups

I can’t really tell you how to make these because I did them off the cuff.  But I can tell you the ingredient list and you can try to experiment at home…

Biscoff Cookies (I think about 15 or 16, smashed)
Peanut flour from Trader Joe’s
Maple syrup
Brown sugar
Vanilla extract
Almond extract

Directions: Mix together and form little balls. You can cover them in chocolate to make peanut butter cups, which I did…or you can leave them like they are and have little peanut bombs! Mix them in your oatmeal for a tasty breakfast.


mOMent: Sometimes a recipe is not needed. Letting the mind create without boundaries is a good thing and allows the loosening of rigid barriers. Try it.

peanut butter coconut

This om of the day is inspired by my new favorite junk food…Chick-O-Stick. Have you ever heard of it? It’s like a Butterfinger with a coconut flair. You should definitely try one…but in the meantime you can have a slightly healthier version of this for breakfast.

1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1-2 T peanut butter of your choice
1-3 T coconut, shredded
1/4 t coconut extract

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!


mOMent: Cleansing the palate can be done in myriad ways.  Cleansing the mind and body of extraneous energy can be a very therapeutic experience.  Today, attempt to rid yourself of one toxic practice that has made itself known to you.