orange juice and raspberry preserves

This is super tasty and sooooo easy!


1 C cooked oatmeal
1/4 C orange juice
1 T raspberry preserves

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!



mOMent: If someone were to call you an expert, what field would you be an expert in? What would you know? What knowledge could you share with inquiring minds?

fresh pear and raspberry preserves

This flavor combo is really light and fruity. A yummy combo for a fresh morning…


1 C cooked oatmeal
1-2 T raspberry preserves
1 pear, chopped

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!



mOMent: The blind leading the blind might just teach the rest of us what interdependence really is…

raspberry raisin

Yum! Who doesn’t love raspberry jam? And…for those of you who don’t like raisins, how about some fresh raspberries?


1 C cooked oatmeal
1 T raspberry jam
1 T raisins

Directions: Mix all together…



mOMent: First days can be stressful and tiring. Think back to what helps you the most when you embark on a new project. How do you motivate yourself to make it through the day with ease and grace?

raspberry lemon curd

Raspberry and lemon are a sweet combo, and they are great in oatmeal.  Especially if you like flavor without much texture…it’s a great match!

1 cup cooked oatmeal
1-2 T raspberry sauce
1 T lemon curd

Directions: Mix all together and enjoy!


mOMent: Do you prefer round tables, square tables, octagon tables? Where do you prefer to sit at the table? Why?

pistachio raspberry

Pistachios are so delicious and can be mixed with almost everything.  Raspberry sauce is no exception to this rule.


1 cup cooked oatmeal
1-2 T pistachios
1-2 T Kozlowski’s Raspberry Sauce

mOMent: What is the perfect day for you? What are you doing, who are you with and what is your mood? Decide today that you will have at least 5 minutes having a perfect day.