pair of pears

I purchased a local oregon pear while we were on our travels up north.  And I thought it would be fun to mingle prickly pear with pear to see how the flavors combined.  It’s delicious!


1 C cooked oatmeal
1 pear
1 T prickly pear syrup
1T water


Peel and chop pear.  Add prickly pear syrup and water to a saucepan, mix in pear.  Simmer on medium heat for 5-10 minutes or until the pear becomes soft and infused with the sauce.  Add to your oatmeal and enjoy!

mOMent: Do you have a favorite pair of anything?  A favorite pair of jeans, coffee mugs, dice?  What makes them your favorite pair?

sunflower prickly pear

A little bit of crunch, a little bit of sun and a little bit of sweet.  Yum!


1 C cooked oatmeal
1 T sunflower seed butter
2 t prickly pear syrup
1 T raw sunflower seeds


Mix prickly pear syrup, sunflower seed butter and half of the sunflower seeds with oatmeal.  Garnish with remaining seeds and enjoy!

mOMent: Making someone else’s day special can be very fulfilling.  How can you create a special day for someone else?  What can you give back to those around you in order to make their lives just a skosh?

prickly coconut

This is a pretty great combo, sweet and coconutty 🙂


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
2 T prickly pear syrup
2 T shredded coconut

Directions: Over medium heat combine syrup and coconut until well mixed and warmed.  Mix with oatmeal and enjoy!


mOMent: Joyful moments can last a lifetime, can you create a joyful moment today?