

1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
5 ufos (trader joes dark chocolate mint chips)
1/4 C milk (I used almond)

Directions: Mix until melted completely…Add milk, enjoy.


mOMent: Do you believe in aliens?  If so, I want to hear about it…please comment.

strawberries & cream

Strawberries & Cream


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1/2 C fresh strawberries
1 1/2 T brown sugar
1-3 t brown sugar for garnish
1 T water
2 T cream (So Delicious non-dairy creamer is what I used)

Mix strawberries water and brown sugar in a small sauce pan. Let simmer over low heat for 5 or more minutes, until the consistency becomes thick and gooey with chunks of strawberry.

Add strawberry mix to the bowl with oatmeal and milk/cream, stir well.  Sprinkle with brown sugar.


mOMent: Take smaller bites if you can’t digest the whole thing at once… good advice from my mother, and applies to more than just what’s for breakfast…

hot cocoa

hot cocoa for breakfast, yum!


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1 T unsweetened cocoa
2 T agave
teensy bit of salt
marshmallows (optional)
milk- to taste (I used almond milk, yum!)

Mix all ingredients except marshmallows until well combined.  Sprinkle marshmallows on top, eat by a warm toasty fireplace (or any place at all really).


mOMent: Are you the type of person who enjoys driving fast on the open road?  Or do you prefer going with the flow of traffic?  What do you suppose this says about the way you approach life, and would you consider trying another way?

coconut tickled raspberries


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1 t coconut oil
1/4 C fresh raspberries
1 T agave

Directions:  Mix coconut oil and agave with hot oatmeal.  Top with fresh raspberries…enjoy!


mOMent: Climbing a mountain, or even a small hill can be quite an accomplishment.  Today, accomplish something that will make you feel satisfied with the result, even if it’s eating all of your fruits and veggies for the day!

cacao nibs & macadamia

Cacao nibs are crunchy and bold with tons of anti-oxidants.  Macadamia nuts are well-rounded and perfectly divine.  Together…heaven.


2 T cacao nibs and finely chopped macadamia nuts
1 T agave
1 t coconut oil

Directions:  Mix all ingredients together until coconut oil is melted and agave is well mixed into the oatmeal. Enjoy the nutty crunchy cacao!


mOMent: Everything is perfect, all the time and in divine order.  When life seems as if it isn’t perfect, it is an illusion.  The truth is real, and complete perfection.

blueberry hazelnut

I used dried blueberries for this recipe.  Although, I’m sure you could use fresh berries and omit the water from the recipe.  However, I really enjoyed the ‘raisin-like’ texture of the blueberries after they had simmered with the agave nectar and water.  I enjoyed this mix and I think you will too!


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
2 T dried blueberries
2 T chopped hazelnuts
2 T agave
2 T water
1 t grapeseed oil

Directions: Add blueberries, hazelnuts, agave water and grapeseed oil to a saucepan over medium heat.  Let simmer until blueberries plump with the agave nectar.  Set aside and let cool for a minute.  Mix with oatmeal and enjoy!


mOMent: Are you unstoppable?  If you are, what is it that makes you unstoppable, and how can you teach others to do the same?  If you aren’t, how can you incorporate the principle of being unstoppable into your life?

maple macadamia

I’m a huge fan of maple syrup.  The rich earthy flavor and the sappy goodness are a huge hit in my house. Add a few delicious macadamia nuts and you have yourself a grand slam!


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1 T maple syrup
1 t butter
2 T chopped macadamia nuts

Directions:  Mix all ingredients together and let the warm goodness

nourish you!


mOMent: New friends and old pals bring freshness and comfort simultaneously.  What have you done recently to nurture your relationships?

apricot lime

This recipe really works well if you enjoy tart flavors mixed with subtle sweetness.  If limes are in season…even better!


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1 apricot
1 lime
1 T sugar
splash of water

Directions:  Chop apricot.  Add juice from one lime and sugar to a pan over medium-low heat, add apricot and let simmer for a while, until apricot becomes soft, plump and the juice becomes thick.  Add to oatmeal and enjoy!


mOMent: Starstruck means “particulary taken with celebrities”, is there anyone that you would be particularly take with, if you were to meet them in the street randomly?  What would your reaction be?


I have to say I was not all too impressed with Starbucks’ option of oatmeal.  It’ll do in a pinch, but certainly not my favorite om of the day.  The options they provide as toppings are mediocre, but I can’t complain too much for having om on the go!  The oatmeal texture was more like a porridge than oats, and had an “instant-y” consistency.

At least I know I can get my om of the day on a travel day!

mOMent: Work with what you’ve got…it’s always better than pining for something you don’t.

white peach & raspberry

Wow!  This one is delicious, especially with fresh in-season produce.


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1/4 C fresh raspberries
1 small white peach, chopped
2 t agave
1 t grapeseed oil
1/2-1 t cinnamon sugar

Directions:  Mix agave and oil with oatmeal until well combined.  Fold in peaches and top with raspberries.  Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.


red banana and raisin

I had never had a red banana until this morning when I tried this om of the day.  They taste just like the regular ones!  Mixed with the light flavor of coconut and the added texture and taste of raisins…mmmm, yum!


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1 red banana
1 T raisins
1 t coconut oil
2 t sugar

Directions: Mix oatmeal with coconut oil and sugar.  Top with banana and raisins, if you like to mix your toppings…Go for it!


mOMent: When I feel that a situation is out of my control, and I’m left feeling vulnerable, it helps to close my eyes and let go.  Release the ideas in my mind that tell me I was ever in control in the first place.  What is control to you, and how does it show up in your life?

almond plum

Plums are a little tart, almonds are a little crunchy and agave is a little sweeet.  What a great combo…


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1 plum
1 T agave
1 t grapeseed oil
2 T almonds, chopped

Directions: In a small saucepan heat agave and oil.  Add chopped plum and almonds.  Saute until mixture becomes thick and saucy.  Add to oatmeal and enjoy!


mOMent: They say that taste buds change every seven years…so by the time you’re 21 you’ve changed your tastes 3 times.  Is that true for you?  How often do you change your tastes?

cinnamon plum


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1 t sugar
1 t grapeseed oil
1 plum sliced
1 sprinkle of cinnamon


Add sugar and grapeseed oil to oatmeal, mix well. Garnish with sliced plum and sprinkle with cinnamon. Yum!


mOMent: Committing to yourself, to be the best you possible is a serious and worthwhile focus.  What would it take for you to make the commitment today?

sourdough oatmeal bread

This recipe yields two loaves of bread.

Prepare Primary Batter:  Before mixing other ingredients make sure that you have returned the cup of batter to your starter storage container.

click here for primary batter recipe

3 cups Primary Batter
4-4.5 cups white flour
2 cups rolled oats, ground
2 T white sugar
1.5 water
2 t salt

1.     Place the 3 cups of batter in a warm bowl (4 quart capacity) and stir in 1 cup of white flour.  Stir in 2 T sugar.

2.    Add the salt and water and stir.  Add 2 cups of ground rolled oats (grind in blender) and approximately 2 more cups of white flour until the dough is too stiff to stir with a spoon.

3.    Turn the dough onto a well floured bread board and knead in enough additional flour (about 1-1.5 cups) to make the dough smooth and elastic. The consistency will be a bit chunky because of the oatmeal.

4.    Lightly grease the outside of the dough with shortening or spray and place in a lightly greased bowl (4 quart or larger).  Cover the bowl with cloth and place in a warm, dry place (85-90 degrees) until the dough doubles in bulk (at least 2 hours, sometimes I can leave it for the majority of a day).

5.    When the dough has doubled, punch it down with a closed fist to release the leavening gases and return to the same warm spot for a second rising.  Let rise again for 30 minutes.

6.    After second rising, turn the dough onto floured board and divide into two equal parts.  Fold each part over itself and pinch the edges to seal the loaf.  Place the loaves with the pinched edges down in well greased loaf pans (9x5x3). Each pan should be about half-full.  Brush the tops with melted butter and place pans in warm spot to rise again for about 1.5 hours or until finger placed about one inch into the top of the loaf leaves a deep impression.

7.     In a preheated 375 degree oven place the pans on the center rack and bake for approximately 35-45 minutes or until the bread shrinks away from the sides of the pans and is well browned on the tops.

mOMent: A moment can take 60 seconds, or can be infinite to the observer.  Have you ever experienced a moment that simultaneously lasted for ages and flashed before your eyes?

primary batter

Primary Batter is the foundation of all sourdough cooking and baking and is used in each recipe in this folder.  The reactions of your starter with the flour and water added to make your batter gives during the proofing period its unique flavor and leavening.  The following recipe yields approximately 4 cups of Primary Batter which is the amount required for each recipe in this folder.

1 cup Sourdough Starter
2.5 cups white flour
2 cups warm water (85-90 degrees)

1.     Remove your starter from refrigerated storage, stir thoroughly, take out one cup and place in warm bowl (4 qt. capacity). Return remaining starter to refrigerator.
2.    Add 2 cups of warm water and stir until well mixed.  Slowly add 2.5 cups of white flour, stirring continually to blend flour into batter.  Stir for 4 to 5 minutes until mixture is smooth and without lumps.
3.    Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in a warm, draft-free place for 12 hours for proofing.
4.    If a liquid should rise to the top of your batter during proofing of a crust should form, stir batter thoroughly and re-cover.  At the end of the 12-hour period your batter is read for use.
IMPORTANT:  Before mixing your batter with other ingredients for cooking return 1 cup of batter to your starter storage container to replenish your starter.

molasses pinenut

Sweet and sultry is how this tastes to me… Yum!


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats
1/4 C pinenuts
1 T grapeseed oil
1 T agave
1 t molasses


Heat grapeseed oil and agave in saucepan over medium heat until it bubbles.  Add pinenuts and saute for two minutes remove from heat while you add molasses.  Stir well and return to heat for two minutes.  Pour mixture on to a parchment lined baking sheet and heat in 400 degree oven for 3-4 minutes or until slightly toasted and brown.

Let cool and then add to oatmeal…Yummy pine-nutty…


mOMent: How do you break out of a rut?  When the patterns in your life seem to keep appearing, how do you find a way to make life different and interesting?  Can you share that with others, who seem to be in a holding pattern?

almond date

This is a simple and quick om of the day. Filling and a perfect balance of sweet, savory and crunchy!


1 C cooked old-fashioned oatmeal

3 dates

2 T almonds

1 T agave

Directions: Chop dates and almonds coarsely.  Mix oatmeal and agave, and garnish with almond-date mix.

mOMent: Do you believe multitasking is a positive and effective way of carrying through with tasks, or do you prefer to spend time on one project at a time?  Have you tried doing it the other way?

vanilla raisin

1 C old-fashioned oatmeal

3 pumps of vanilla Monin syrup

1 T raisins

salt to taste

Directions:  Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!

mOMent: Without proper protection, most of us can eventually get burned by the sun.  Do you know when it’s time for you to take a break from the heat?

apricot honey


1 C cooked old-fashioned oats

1 apricot

1 T honey

Directions: Chop apricot into bite-sized chunks. Add honey to oatmeal with apricots, stir and enjoy!

Om, Renata

mOMent: “If I only had a heart…” said the tin man from Wizard of Oz.