afraid of the ball

So last night at the gym I learned a new exercise where the objective is to squat, pop up and then throw a heavy medicine ball over a TRX structure (think of a jungle gym about 12 feet high) to another person, they catch the ball, squat and throw it back to you, and again you squat to catch the ball. As I was standing there getting ready to catch the ball from my fabulous and fearless workout buddy I realized…I AM AFRAID OF THE BALL! What?!

Here I am a grown woman and I’m about to tear up thinking that the heavy ball is coming my way, but I didn’t say much I just tried my best. Not only was it a challenging physical exercise, it was an exercise in overcoming fear. I suppose the fear gave me a slight advantage considering that there was some great adrenaline coursing through my body. I was on edge, nervously laughing and anticipating the worst. I’m not sure exactly what the worst was supposed to be?. My guess is I was afraid to get hit and to get hurt. But, you know what? One of those times volleying the ball I DID get hit in the head. And it DID hurt, for about 30 seconds…and then it was over.

So what is the lesson here? Yes, it is OK to be afraid. Yes, you may get hurt. No, it does not last forever. And, each time that ball was tossed to me, I was a little less afraid. Practice makes perfect right? I’m still not fearless, but I’m a little more confident. Now, where is this concept true in the rest of my life. Because, as we know all areas of our lives are mirrors for the other areas of our lives. What happens at the gym, happens everywhere else in life. Or as someone once said; ‘The way we do one thing, is the way we do everything’.

So that’s my lesson for today and I encourage you to look at places in your life where you may feel fearful. Really take a look at the fear, feel it, and do whatever you are afraid of anyway. You may get hurt, but I promise it won’t last forever and most likely it will create confidence and trust within yourself.

Happy Leap Year!


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